Lethal Addons subscription is weekly-based. It's possible to subscribe for a one, two, four or eight weeks.
Price List for Lethal Shared System Bot
| Group Bot Addon | Price |
| Discord Chat Connect | L$250 Each Group |
No Smartbots Required for Lethal Shared System Bot
Price List for Smartbots Personal Bots
| Package Name | Price | Total Addons |
| Bronze | L$70 | 1 Addon |
| Silver | L$90 | 2 Addons |
| Gold | L$110 | 3 Addons |
| Diamond | L$200 | Unlimited Addons |
Type of Addons for Personal Bot
- Lethal Live Chat Support Ticket Addon (1 Per Bot) [ More Info ]
- Lethal Auto Responder (1 Per Bot) - [More Info Coming Soon]
- Lethal Discord Connect ( As many SL Groups the bot can hold ) [ More Info ]
- Each Lethal Discord Connect Group = 1 Addon [ More Info ]
You can choose which addon to enable or disable at any given time, by paying for Lethal Addons, you are not prolonging/renewing your Smartbots Bot.
Price List Smartbot Shared Bots
| Group Bot Addon | Price |
| Discord Chat Connect | L$150 Each Group |
Shared Bot works only with the Discord Chat Connect Addon
~Prices are subject to change without prior notice.~